Wednesday 9 November 2016

BreakingNews 9/11/16: To Masterweb - Congratulations for a Steadfast Support for Trump

BreakingNews 9/11/16: To Masterweb - Congratulations for a Steadfast Support for Trump
[ Masterweb Reports: x Congratulates Masterweb On Trump's Victory ] - Dear Indefatigable Editor; I know it will sound strange to an average mind if I say Congratulations to you on Donald Trump's Electoral Victory. But, as a Philosopher King, I believe you know why I'm congratulating you! I am congratulating you because, apart from identifying with Donald J. Trump, you are the only known Black of Nigerian origin that followed Mr. Trump's Campaign Movement bit by bit, bumper to bumper and Area Code by Area Code to cover his activities, promote and market his candidature to the African-Americans, Hispanics, Latinos and even among some White voters. With the Nigerian Master Web and the African Master Web, you took the front seat for Mr. Trump at the time the Mainstream Media, the Pollsters, the Super PACs and the Political Establishment in the United States were all against him. Therefore, as one who was at the right place at the right time, it is needless to remind you of an unrestrained patriotic service to Nigeria in higher pedestal this time around. Nigeria at this critical moment stands to benefit from your across-the-Atlantic network of reach and contacts to really make her great again.

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